Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 11: Audience Feedback

After we showed members of our target audience the opening to our film, we feel that they enjoyed the opening to the film. We think that the hidden mystery within our opening was something that the audience enjoyed, as they liked the feeling of audience participation - they could think about the storyline in depth and make their own assumptions of what is going to happen later on in the film. However, we also think that this could have confused some members of the audience at first, but brought some tension to the opening, and left the audience wanting more - they wanted to know what was happening to the character of Jenny, and why she was the main subject of the film. The viewer is intrigued when watching our opening, as they want to know the importance of our main character.
The title of our film may not yet be clear to the audience - Suite 16. The title is meant to symbolise her age and the room number, but that becomes more apparent later on in the film, and again adds an air of mystery - leaves the audience thinking about the significance of the title.

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