Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 5: Treatment


Suite 16 was written to be an unusual thriller. Our main female character will be confined to a hotel room, surrounded by photographs of herself with friends and family.


Jenny is a 16 year old girl who is being terrorised by two thugs named John Doe and Joe Bloggs she locks herself in a hotel room to try and hide from them but they keep finding her and leaving her "presents" and letters. She is anaware that she is also being watched by their contact, an employee of the hotel. Who is updating the thugs as to Jenny's every move.

Opening scene

The opening few seconds of the film are black with our production logo, the first shot the audience see is the establishing shot of the hotel, then we see Jenny running to the door of the hotel room and desperately trying the key in the door, once it is open the camera pans to show the whole room in one long continuous shot, we then cut to Jenny sat in an armchair looking very upset. The scene changes when she gets a phone call from her father who's voice the audience dont hear at all, she then sinks to the floor in tears until she hears a loud door slam which causes her to exit the bathroom and see that the bed is now covered with pictures of her and there is a letter with her name on it she reads it then runs to the window to check if there is anyone there.

Target Audience

The film will have a target audience of 16-25 year olds. As 16-25 year olds would prefer a psychological thriller such as many of the classic Hitchcock films so having it this age will fit in better with the mystery of our thriller. Despite the story being ficticious, 16-25 year old will be able to understand some of the pressures the character may be feeling.

Therefore our certificate will be 15, to relate to the younger generation of society. Although its not everyday someone gets blackmailed the reasons why will link to teenage life.

Other details
Our thriller will not be using recognised names as this would divert away from the issues raised in the film. Also our choice of location is quite unusual as the majority of our film will be shot in and around the specified hotel.

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