Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 3: Brainstorm Of Ideas For Your Film

We had many ideas for our film and what we would and wouldn't be able to achieve, our ideas were:
A montage of close up shots of a children's playground with the swings and roundabout going round by themselves. The quick editing of the shots would excite the audience and keep their attentions a it poses many questions for them to ask throughout the film as it creates an air of mystery.

Ruin of a castle with a view of a graveyard nearby, this seemed to be the perfect place for us to pose a storyline of a drugs or weapons exchange that could go very badly wrong. We thought of adding in the sound of shouting and gunshots as this would unnerve the audience and leave them wanting to know why this is happening and why the main characters have got themselves mixed up in this.

A teenage girl terrified to leave the hotel room she is locked in, because because she fears for her life. She slowly becomes more and more unnerved as she stick hundreds of pictures of herself all over the hotel room, and keeps a video camera on at all times so that she can find out if anyone has entered the room while she was not looking. The audience would want to know why she is here and what has happened to her.

A young woman is running through a train station away from someone or something. the anonymous male antagonist is hooded and the audience do not see his face, he is in complete contrast with the small feeble female protagonist. We decided that she should be holding a large briefcase that obviously would not belong to her which would make the audience want to know whats in it and why does she have it. Our location ideas were to be ideally at Manchester's Oxford Road station as it is dark and run down so it would fit in with the mysterious storyline.

An abandoned warehouse full of book covered with splattered blood and gore. We also considered the use of extreme close ups of bloodied objects and a desk with blood and gore dripping off the edges. This would hook the audiences interests and leave them wanting to know why all this has happened and who it has happened to.

Our last idea was the camera moving away from something from a point of view shot so it was like the audience were running away from someone. We thought that Delamere Forest and Manchester city centre would be good locations as they are in complete contrast with each other as one is quiet and there is hardly anyone there and the other is busy and there would be lot of people for the victim to hide amongst.

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