Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 12: Analysis of Completed Sequence

Q1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?
There are a few films in the media that our film, Suite 16, could resemble in some ways.

One example is Steven King novel and Stanley Kubrick film The Shining which is set in a hotel. It is a hybrid genre of horror and thriller, this is similar to the genre of our film. Our film much like that of The Shining shows the main character in a hotel slipping slowly into madness caused by forces that the audinece never see, our character Jenny is tormented by two anonymous people known only as Joe Bloggs and John Doe (both names for unidentified people) whereas in The Shining Jack is tormented and influenced by the spirits inhabiting the hotel. The films use of bathrooms are also very similar as both are used as a barrier for tormented and hysterical women, Suite 16 shows Jenny sliding down the door after a dificult conversation with her father, The Shining shows the door as a barrier between a crazed Jack and his wife Wendy protecting her from him. The same idea is used in Suite 16, as the door could be seen as a 'barrier' to Jenny, and is protecting her from the outside world and her tormentors. The use of pshycological problems in the main characters is also evident as Jack is driven crazy by his inner demons and te spirits playing on the bad energy surrounding him because of his guilt of hitting his son, Jenny is severely depressed and paranoid as she cannot escape her pursuers, this is shown by a door banging and she returns to her room to discover pills pictures and a letter all relating to her strews across the bed.

Another film that could have similarities to Suite 16, is 1408,also written by Steven King and directed by Mikael Håfström as it is also set in a hotel. The ideas for 1408 and Suite 16 are fairly similar as in 1408 the danger to main character Mike is the inhabitants of the room the danger to Jenny is herself, the feeling of being trapped is a major similarity between the two films as Jenny cannot escape her innermost demons Mike cannot escape the room as his key is broken by the spirits and the door knob falls off thus traping him inside his own personal hell.
There are also shots of Mike looking out of the window a lot, which Jenny also does. The window and the view of the outside world could be a comfort to the characters, who are both hoping that one day they will be able to leave.

Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents the social group of teenagers and how they are represented, we stereotyped our main character slighty differently to that of other media institutes as we showed our main character "Jenny" as a severely paranoid and unhinged young woman, her mental instability is shown fairly obviously by the cut marks on her arms and the large dark circles under her eyes,this makes the audience feel empathy for her as many young adults have slightly strained relationships with their parents much like Jenny and her father.

Q3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As our product is a low budget thriller it would probably be distributed by a smaller media institution such as Goldcrest or Metrodome, mainly because they specialise in thrillers that are more amateur made than that of a more well known distribution company like Walt Disney Studios. However small amateur made films are becoming more popular and taking the world by storm, a prime example of this would be Paranormal Activity, as it was made originally for a film festival but soon became a world wide sensation.

Q4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for our film would be teenagers as the main character is 16 hence the name Suite 16, her being a teenager would make others relate to her and would identify with typical teenage issues such as strained parental relationships and self harming,we also made sure that the certificate was 15 so that our target audience would be able to view our film.

Q5 - How did you attract/address your audience?
We used audience research in order to be able to make sure we were aiming the content of the film at the correct audience - We wanted teenagers and younger adults aged around 15-35 to be interested in the storyline so that ultimately that they would enjoy the film, and get the typical thriller 'scare' that potential viewers of films of the thriller genre want. By seeing what the audience liked and disliked before we shot the film, it enabled us to change the storyline and tweak any parts of the sequence, in order to more precisely target the audience.

Q6 - What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We used the razor tool to cut our film clips
We used transitions to make our film look smoother
We changed the sound to make it seem more tense in places
We watched our film for continuity
Black extracts were used a lot to create an mysterious atmosphere

Q7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

Since completing the preliminary task of filming a conversation between two people, using match on action and shot reverse shot, I have learnt a lot that will help me in creating further media projects. I have learnt to cooperate in a group and discuss my ideas more, I have taken an active roll in the planning and filming of my media product by filling out the recce and location sheets and creating the questionaire and filming and editing the finished product.
I learnt through this task that creating a project such as this is a lot of hard work and it needs a large ammount of teamwork to be put in, even for small things like ideas for locations and which shots to use as what one person may find a good shot or idea another may think is bad, the addition of three other students which I had never worked with before made me have to learn this quickly. I had trouble with filming certain shots in the hotel as we were very limited on time and thankfully we managed to get all our filming done on time. The editing process for us was crucial as we were constantly looking out for any tiny flaws that might make our film look less professional e.g. if the match on action was not perfect we would rework it continuously until it was to our standards.

The background noise was also very important as on many of the external shots of the location motorists and general ambience music was very noticable, we overcame this problem by finding a clip of music and inserting it over the background noise to try and make our film look better.

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