Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 4: Audience Research- and Research Into BBFC Film Classification System

For our audience research we created a questionnaire which looked like this

Thriller Questionnaire

1. What gender are you?
Male Female

2. Which category does your age fall in?

3. What type of thriller do you prefer?
Action thriller
Psychological thriller
Disaster thriller
Crime thriller

4. Are weapons necessary in a thriller film
Yes No

5. Do you prefer to see a male or female protagonist?

6. Do you prefer to find out for yourself who the killer is or find out for yourself ?
Told who they are
Find out myself

8. Where do you think the best thrillers are set?
Abandoned houses

9. Which of these thrillers do you think are good?
Silence of the lambs
The shining
The godfather

The following questions are our ideas of scenarios that may happen in our thriller, we would appreciate it if you could circle either yes or no if you think it’s a good idea.

10. Woman is trying to get onto a train unaware that she is being followed.
Yes No

11. Woman is being blackmailed and is slowly going mad in a hotel room.
Yes No

12. Man is lurking in bushes near children’s play area.
Yes No

13. A girl is possessed by the spirit of an orphan who died where her house was built.
Yes No

14. Librarian sat in an abandoned library with blood pouring off her hands.
Yes No

15. Woman running through forest.
Yes No

16. Rapist follows teenage girl around town centre.
Yes No

17. Murderer is being sent to prison then “Victim” appears before trial.
Yes No

18. Teenagers break into a haunted house.
Yes No

19. Mysterious patch of blood is found with no reason for it being there.
Yes No

20. These are our ideas for film names we would appreciate it if you could circle either yes or no if you think it’s a good idea.

A. Platform 13
Yes No

B. Suite 16
Yes No

C. Mr Wolf
Yes No

D. 13 Woodley Fold
Yes No

E. Checkout Time
Yes No

F. No Escape
Yes No

G. Shopping Run
Yes No

H. Jury Duty
Yes No

I. Past Life
Yes No

J. Don’t Look Back
Yes No

Analysis Of Questionaire Results
1)We asked slightly more males than females in the questionnaire, as our sample of college students contained more males.
2)The biggest age bracket was 15-18, because we asked college students. We did ask a few older students and teachers, which accounted for the rest of the age brackets.
3)The most popular type of thriller film was an action thriller. The runners-up were physicological and crime thrillers, which is more accurate for our film. However, our film does contain some action, as we knew that is what our audience preferred.
4)There was a joint vote for weapons in our questionnaire, as both answers got the same amount of votes. We then decided to use some weapons, but no graphic use, and none that are going to be disturbing for the viewer.
5)By a close vote, the audience preferred a female protaganist. However, we decided to use a female main character instead, and use male protaganists. We feel that this will still satisfy the audience.
6)The audience would rather find out for themselves who the killer is. As our film is a psychological thriller, there is a lot of times where the audience needs to figure out what is happening for themselves, which they should enjoy according to the questionnaire results.
8)The most popular setting for a thriller by a far, was a hotel, which was the setting for our film in the end. We feel this is a popular choice as it is a relatively unusual setting, and hotels are supposed to be seen as 'safe places', which keeps the audience even more intrigued as to what is going to happen.
9)Silence of the Lambs was the winner for this question, which is a different genre to our film, but does have some similarities, as the plot contains some psychological theories, and contains an unidentified person creating danger, which is the same in Suite 16.
11) This was a very popular idea, getting the majority of the vote. We believe that this idea was popular because it is very mysterious, and would create a sense of danger and excitement for the audience.
12) This was also a very popular idea, gaining the majority of the vote. This is the idea that we went with for our film, because we felt that it was the most original, and quite unusual for a thriller film. It is also very psychological, which we believe our audience will enjoy. It also creates mystery for the audience, and arises a lot of questions - such as, who is keeping her in the hotel room?
13) This was a close vote, but the audience voted yes. However, we felt that this could be potentially be a controversial plot, as children would be used, and that it could possibly be difficult to film.
14) This was quite a popular idea too, but we felt that the plot sounds quite similar, and may have possibly been done before.
15) There was a mixed-vote for this idea, as the audience wasn't very sure about it. We agreed with the audience, and felt that it may potentially be difficult to create a full film based on that idea.
16) This idea was not very popular with the audience, and we feel that they may not have liked it because of its predictability, and because it is quite similar to other films, so it could be difficult to make our film unique.
17) The audience liked this idea, as it creates a sense of danger and suspense for the audience. Also, with the main character being a teenage girl, we feel that the young target audience could relate more to the character.
18) This idea was not very popular with the audience, and we feel that it may have been difficult to make a full film out of this idea.
19) This idea got an equal vote, as the audience wasn't quite sure about it. However, we feel that the young target audience could have also related to the characters.
20) This was a very unpopular idea, as we feel it may have been because it would have been difficult to come up with a plot that was relatable and understandable.
A) Platform 13 was a popular choice for the name of our film, and we think this is because of the association with the number 13, and bad things, so it instantly gives the film a sense of danger and suspicion, just by the name.
B) This was a very popular choice for the name, and is the name we ended up using for our film. Suite 16 is a good title because it uses the word 'suite', which hints to the audience before they've even seen the film, that it is set in a hotel. It also uses '16', which is the main characters age, and the expression 'Sweet 16' is a common phrase, which could be used to describe how Jenny used to be before she was confined to the hotel room.
C) Mr Wolf was an unpopular choice of name for our film, and we feel it was because we have a teenage target audience, that it sounded a bit like a childrens film, or hinted more at immature audiences.
D) This was also an unpopular choice of name, and we feel it is because it not creative enough, and does not give away any hints of the plot of the film. It also does not make the audience feel threatened or endangered in any way.
E) This was also an unpopular title, and we feel it is again not imaginative enough, and doesn't really sound like the name of a thriller film.
F) This was a popular thriller name, and we feel it is because it makes the audience feel instantly threatened. 'No Escape' hints that there is no escape for the character, and it is going to be a really interesting plot. It also makes the audience ask questions - why can't the character escape?
G) This was the most unpopular title, and we feel it would not appeal to our target audience, and that it is not creative enough, nor does it relate to thriller films.
H) This was a close vote, but was eventually decided as a good idea for a plot name. We think it is because the title raises some suspicion, but could also hint to the plot.
I) This idea was voted neither a good or bad idea, and we feel it could possibly be giving away too much to the audience already, which is why they did not pick it. However, it hints at some sort of 'spirit' in the film, which could of excited the audience to make them pick it.
J) This was a popular idea, as we feel that it creates mystery and danger for the audience. It also hints at quite a creative, interesting plot.
We wanted our film to be a 15 certificate as that is the age of our lead female character and we wanted the audience to be able to relate to her and her relationship problems with her family much like many teenagers in today's society.
Also when we looked at the content of our film we concluded that it would be best if it was marketed as a 15 as it contains strong language although it will be used sporadically, it also connotes violence even if the audience do not see any and it is mainly psychological also many people under that age would not be able to understand the complex situation the female protagonist finds herself in and why she reacts to it the way she does.

BBFC Film Classification

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